Partner with Stick No Bills®

"Playing host to the Stick No Bills creative design odyssey from this colourful, British-run design enterprise's inception has been fun, inspiring and commercially rewarding too. Their management team's attention to detail and to quality assurance in the way in which they supply us is second to none. We have loved watching them grow their brand and their following internationally from their origins in Galle Fort. We first exhibited Stick No Bills' antique originals back in 2013 and have since then continuously retailed their evolving collection of posters and postcards at our own flagship and satellite stores. I highly recommend them as a potential business partner."
Dominic Sansoni, Managing Director,
Barefoot PVT LTD January 1980 to the present.
Barefoot PVT LTD January 1980 to the present.

We are always on the look out for new talent, new locations, new opportunities and new affiliates and potential re-sellers with whom we can collaborate.
If you can see yourself, the entity you represent and / or the place you hail from becoming part of our success we are always interested to hear from you.
So please email or call us on +34663949075 and arrange to meet with us at either of one our flagship galleries in Palma De Mallorca or Galle Fort.