Our British Aviation Art Series is an outstanding collection of historic graphic artworks produced by the greatest illustrators of their day on order of the early pioneering airlines that inspired a first generation of transatlantic jet-setters to take to the skies.
“We have been working for years on this revival of 32 historic destination marketing posters sourced under authorisation from our licensor’s archives, British Airways and their legendary American rivals Pan American World Airways LLC. These are the first of many we are proud to be reviving over the years to come,” says Meg Gage Williams, Stick No Bills® CEO.
“Since my husband and I founded our first gallery in Sri Lanka in 2011, we had this idea of creating an encyclopaedic collection of vibrant, hand illustrated destination marketing posters to remind people of the magic of travel, of being curious and open to having your mind changed during epic expeditions overseas. This collection reflects the very heart of everything we aim to achieve with Stick No Bills®.”

This exclusive collection of officially licensed, remastered vintage poster artworks and fine art prints includes works from the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), predecessor to British Airways and legendary American airline Pan Am.
They are the epitome of the travel destination marketing genre which they pioneered, commissioning seminal ad agencies of the time, such as Negus & Sharland, as well as the best illustrators, including Aldo Cosmati, Frank Wootton and Albert Hayes, often the unsung heroes of this world, who still managed to make an important mark on the development of graphic art and design of the last century.

For example, Cosomati was commissioned by BOAC to create a series of posters choosing one stereotype to represent each country, in this way highlighting the very concept of national stereotypes and identity we still grapple with today.
“In all of these prints it is clear how these airlines encapsulated innovation and creativity in terms of how we lived and perceived travel,” Meg adds. “The whole collection is about inspiring travel to the British Isles, or to set alight the imagination of Brits to travel the world, and not just to its then-colonies or, later, the commonwealth.
In today’s world where travel and tourism can be seen in a more negative light, I hope this collection serves to remind people that travel really can be about seeing the world through new perspectives, learning and challenging your own beliefs.”
Highlights of the Series
Fly To India by B.O.A.C, Frank A.A. Wooton

British Airways’ Heritage Centre’s poster curator Adrian Constable assesses that the foreground of this print is an oil-on-canvas set against a watercolour air-brushed background in which the plane championed is the Argonaut, otherwise known as The North Star; a Canada-built DC4 with Rolls Royce engines.
Frank Wootton is probably the world’s best aviation artist and was flown to India in 1949 by the airline to create images like this one. Eagle-eyed viewers might recognise Delhi’s Red Fort in the background of the incoming parade scene depicted to inspire the imagination to soar.
Our restoration team, supported by historical artefact photographer, Jaron James, digitised and augmented the illustration from a damaged first edition lithograph preserved at the Speedbird Heritage Centre.

We’re delighted, with the help of the impeccable British Airways Heritage Centre team and the full endorsement of the heirs to the estate of Frank Wootton, to be giving a renewed and now longer-than-ever lease of life to this masterpiece.
© Stick No Bills® 2024 courtesy of The Archives Design Group® (UK) Ltd and British Airway PLC. All rights reserved.
Stick No Bills® exclusive right to print, sell and distribute the licensed images featured here directly and via its certified retail partners, inclusive of British Airways PLC’s own certified retail partners, is courtesy of The Archives Design Group® (UK) Ltd and British Airways PLC. All rights reserved.