Fashion, travel and art have seamlessly converged within one of Barcelona’s most opulent settings. The result is as if the fineries of the three entities involved were made for each other.
Forbes Magazine reports:
"El Palace Barcelona exhibits a selection of 12 dresses made in its workshops between 1926, the date that marked its first haute couture show, and 1990 when it decided to bet on ready-to-wear for luxury brands.
Forbes Magazine reports:
"Reissued in limited editions by Stick No Bills - the company specialised in contemporary poster art which combines artisan printing techniques with state-of-the-art technology - El Palace Barcelona exhibits vintage posters made between 1924 and 1935 surrounding 12 tailor made dresses from Santa Eulalia´s historic archives¨.
The inauguration on 20th June 2023, hosted by landmark hotel El Palace Barcelona and orchestrated by our impeccable licensor Santa Eulalia - emblematic of the stylistic essence of Barcelona in its promulgation of haut couture fashion … was a major milestone in the Stick No Bills® journey.

This same regal venue which was formerly The Ritz - is where Freddy Mercury and
Montserrat Caballé conjured up “Barcelona!!”
What an amazing context for an authorised historic Stick No Bills® creative project to come to fruition.

In the words of Luis Sans, President of Santa Eulalia:
"The posters look like they've been at The Palace forever. Congratulations!!"
Barcelona has long served as a world class city of choice for furthering so many talented souls’ careers, outstanding cartelista Jose Luis Rey not least amongst them.
Rey’s most important pre Spanish civil war-artworks remastered by Stick No Bills adorn the walls of The Palace in giant format until Christmas.
So we were honoured to have Rey’s descendants among the guests invited to the opening.

Please do come and revel in the romance of this stunning patrimonial setting when you can.

Huge thanks to all who helped make this opening happen and thanks most of all to Santa Eulalia and El Palace for your trust in us.
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